I met John Curtis when the City became involved with the subsequent move of his business, Action Target, from the Dixon neighborhood to the Mountain Vista Business Center. He demonstrated strong leadership skills in his negotiations and impressed me with his inter-personal relationship skills in working with others. For the past year John has been a “regular” at our Council Meetings. Not only our Tuesday night meetings but our Work Sessions, Retreats, Study Sessions, Administrative Briefings, etc. He has met with every Department Director and has worked diligently to get prepared to lead our city. He has had conversations with many, many employees seeking to understand their jobs and feelings about going forward. Most impressive to me, is the fact that he doesn’t demand to be heard or postulate at these meetings. He quietly and simply listens and learns.
He’s an astute businessman and has impressive experience running a large and successful business. He’s the best candidate suited to run the executive branch of our city.
He’s the candidate that also understands law enforcement best. He believes the highest priority of government should be to keep us safe. No wonder he has the endorsement of the Provo Fraternal Order of the Police and the Provo Firefighters #593! Having served with the Provo Gangs Steering Committee and knowing the increasing, and threatening problems were having in Provo, I agree that this has to be one of our top priorities. John’s opponent recently stated in a televised debate, that we don’t have gangs in Provo and that it wasn’t a problem here. I’m telling you first hand that is absolutely false and we cannot hide our heads in the sand!
I’m excited with John’s vision for economic growth and his concepts of long-term, twenty year planning for Provo. He’s a can-do guy with a well-thought out plan that will help Provo reach important goals. W e haven’t had such a good candidate running for Mayor for a very long time. He knows the issues so well. I look forward to working with this man of integrity, vision and experience. In addition, He always takes the high road and has positive energy and the ability to bring much needed unity back to Provo City government.